1등 진로란 ‘프로처럼 공부하는 것’이다.

밝은미래교육 새소식
ICES 미국교환학생 재단 규정 필독 | 2023 가을학기 출국학생 대상

안녕하세요. <밝은미래교육> 입니다. 한창 호기심이 많고 에너지가 넘치고 혈기왕성한 청소년들은 소위 Liability라는 위험, 리스크 등이 예상되기에 미국 교육기관들 중엔 상당한 긴장감을 가지고 있는 것은 물론 심지어는 청소년 프로그램 자체를 꺼려하는 곳도 있습니다. 그렇기에 우리 <밝은미래교육>과 파트너를 맺고 있는 미국 재단들은 미국 교환학생/ 유학생 프로그램을 위한 사전적응교육에 점점 더 힘을 쓰고 있습니다. 

오늘 <밝은미래교육> 학생들과 학부모님들께 공개드리는 본 자료는미국 생활에 있어서 우리 학생들이 반드시 알아야할 점을 제공하고 있습니다. 특별히 음주, 흡연, 불법물질, 용돈 사용, 연애, 왕따, 괴롭힘, 컴퓨터, 여행, 교통수단, 라이드 등 매우 중요하고 꼭 숙지하여야 하는 내용들을 다루고 있습니다. 우리 학생들이 미국교환학생으로서 책임감을 가지고 미국문화와 엄격한 규정들에 대해 철저히 숙지하고 진지하 자세로 프로그램에 임하는 모습이 곧 10개월간의 성공을 좌우할 것입니다. 

저희 <밝은미래교육>에서도 한결같은 모습으로 토요일 프리미엄 사전적응교육을 제공할 것이며, 오늘 나눈 이 내용으로 2023년 가을학기 학생들 출국 전 심화수업을 진행할 예정입니다. 아자아자! 할 수 있다! 우리 꼭 성공합시다!


1. The closest and most meaningful relationship the student should encounter is between the student and the host family. Respect host family rules, appreciate all they do for their student, and participate in host family activities with them.

2. American host families differ in their rules / guidelines for their children. If you are in an acceptable host family, do not compare your situation with other exchange students or even with the way you have been raised in your country and then demand to be moved.

3. The Department of State does not allow host families of J-1 student to receive compensation for hosting.

4. Do not treat the host family as a “hotel” by seemingly just sleeping and eating there. Balance time with the host family and friends.


1. Possession or use of alcohol and/or illegal substances is an automatic dismissal from the ICES program.

2. Be careful of the friends you make; if you find out that one of your friends has a reputation of drinking alcohol or using illegal drugs, distance yourself from that person.

3. Many schools in the U.S. have police officers on campus. Some schools have unannounced drug checks where they often bring trained dogs in to walk in classrooms around students or near students’ lockers to detect drugs. Also, school staff has the right to search a person if there is a reasonable cause.

4. Be cautious when invited to parties. Ask questions and make sure that they are chaperoned by adults. Police officers often “hear” of such parties, and if they “raid” a party and you are present, you are subject to alcohol and/or drug checks and can be taken to the police station for further questioning.

5. If you find yourself in a situation around drugs or alcohol, call your host parent to pick you up. Do not get in the car with anyone who has drank alcohol or used drugs.

6. If you have indicated on your application that you smoke tobacco products but will not smoke while in the U.S., you will NOT be allowed to smoke or possess tobacco products and/or e-cigarettes, even if you are of an acceptable age by law in your host state.

ICES student rule #4 states:

The purchase and use of tobacco products in the U.S. is prohibited for persons under the age of 18. If you are 18, smoking in the host family’s home is allowed only with the permission of the host parents. This includes e-cigarettes (vaping), which is liquid nicotine. Smoking at school is not permitted. ICES has had more cases this year of students under the age of 18 possessing and/or using e-cigarettes, so please let the students know they are subject to a dismissal from

the ICES program if they are in possession and/or using an e-cigarette of any type.


1. Due to the economy and to assure that students have sufficient spending money at all times, students should have a minimum of $400.00 per month.

2. Credit cards should be established PRIOR to coming to the U.S.

3. Most American banks will not open an account for a student under the age of 18, and students are not allowed to open a joint account with the host family.

4. Do not bring an excess of cash.

5. Students cannot borrow money from the host family and the host family cannot borrow money from the exchange student.

6. When you go somewhere with your friends or family members, take at least $20.00 with you for spending money.


1. Avoid serious dating relationships in the U.S. as the student usually will want to spend more time with that person and less time with the host family.

2. Avoid sexual relationships; laws differ in various states, and even though sex is consensual between the exchange student and another student of the same age, there could be pending charges brought by law enforcement. “Statutory rape” refers to sexual activities in which one person is below the age required to legally consent to the behavior.


1. Students should be aware that in some American schools there are isolated cases of “bullying.” This is an “activity of repeated, aggressive behavior intended to hurt someone, physically or mentally.” It may target someone’s nationality, race, religion, or lifestyle. If an exchange student feels he/she is being bullied, report this to the host family, the local coordinator, or a counselor or teacher at the school.


1. When flying to the U.S., if you miss your flight, call the 1-800-344-3566 ICES number that is available 24/7, and be prepared to give your full name, where you are from, what state you were traveling to, and the name and phone number of the local coordinator and host family. NEVER, under ANY circumstances, leave the airport unless it is with your host family or your area representative. If flights are cancelled until the following day, STAY in the airport; exchange students are not allowed by ICES to check into hotels.

2. Some host families may travel more or less, depending on their work schedules, time restraints, etc. If your host family does not travel, please research the student exchange tours offered by BELOUSA (www.belousa.com). Students who are not on probation, have permission from the American school to miss school, and have completed and submitted an ICES Travel Release form may sign up for a tour from either of these tour companies.

3. Any travel other than travel with the host family, local coordinator, or on school sponsored trips HAS to be approved by submitting a Travel Release Form in advance of making flight arrangements.

4. Natural parents should not plan to visit the student until the end of the student’s program. Students will not be excused from school to travel with natural parents.

5. A student who is not on probation may travel at spring break to visit friends or relatives of the natural parents. The student MUST use planes as the approved form of transportation; bus and train transportation are not approved due to the safety and wellbeing of students.


1. Computer and cell phone usage is a privilege. Students will have limitations whether they bring their own or they use the host family’s computer.

2. Some American schools allow students to bring cell phones to school, however, it is not acceptable to have them out during class time. Abusing this privilege can restrict you from taking your cell phone to school. Additionally, if you have access to a computer at school, it is not acceptable to go online for personal reasons.

3. It is not a requirement that a host family has Wi-Fi in their home.

4. At a certain time each evening, all electronic devices should be placed in a central location in the host family’s home to ensure spending quality time with the host family.

5. Make sure that no inappropriate pictures or words are posted on social media prior to coming or while the student is here which could jeopardize the placement or the student’s completion of the ICES program.

6. Do not download any type of software on your phone or computer that is designed to gather information about a person(s) without their knowledge, that may send such information to another entity without the consumer’s consent, or that asserts control over a device without the consumer’s knowledge.

7. In order to adapt and adjust to the host family and the U.S., the student should call or receive a call from their natural parents no more than once a week.


1. Students will immediately be dismissed if it is determined that they have driven any motorized vehicle.

2. Students may not ride in taxis or Ubers (or other similar forms of transportation).

3. Students must get permission in advance from their host families in order to ride in a vehicle with friends.



블로그에서 더 많은 내용 보기 https://blog.naver.com/futureandhope0587/223115214980