1등 진로란 ‘프로처럼 공부하는 것’이다.

밝은미래교육 새소식
[교육교재] 2.6(토) 출국전 프리미엄 사전적응교육 (Real speaking 2)

[교육교재] 2.6(토) 출국전 프리미엄 사전적응교육 (Real speaking 2)




Movie title: Flipped (2010)


1.      Can you generally tell me about the movie?


2.      How come the main boy and girl characters get to meet each other?


 3.      What kind of action does the main boy character take when he was annoyed by Juli?


 4.      What happened to sycamore tree in the town? And How does she overcome her distress after the event?


 5.      What do you think is the meaning of the tree in the town?


 6.      What’s the relationship between Bryce’s grandfather and Juli?


7.      What causes Juli to stop liking Bryce? What happens to them?


8.      From the beginning of the movie, and till the end, the feelings of both Bryce and Juli get shifted. Can you explain? What caused Brice to like Juli?


9.      What happened at the basket boy auction?


10. In jealousy, what does Bryce do to Juli?

 11. Instead of saying sorry to Juli, what action does Bryce take for Juli?


12. Tell me about the ending of the movie. How did you feel after watching the movie? What kind of things can you learn from the movie? (Give me specific and detailed answers)